How to withdraw money from your account

Mobile Money Nigeria

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Posted by on Tuesday November 12, 2013 at 8:17:37:

If you've got a mobile money account that has received funds and want to be able to withdraw from it, you can do this through and agent or by using an ATM but without actually using a physical ATM card - Cardless ATM withdrawal.

Most Mobile money providers allow customers to withdraw money from an agent/branch or and automated teller machine(ATM).

To be able to withdraw from either a branch or an ATM, the subscriber would need to visit his mobile money menu first and then:

- Request for withdrawal with your phone
- Enter the Amount
- Enter your PIN
- Confirm the transaction
- Receive withdrawing instructions on your phone
- Visit an ATM or branch to make a withdrawal using the format you received

It is that easy but you should also not that unlike airtime topup, withdrawing money from a mobile money account may come with some charges.

Mobile Money allows one to do a lot of things such as funding, paying bils, buying airtime, sending money as well as making withdrawals.